Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 In the Rear View, Welcome 2014!

For those who read our family blog it is obvious that my post activity was low.  This is not to suggest our activity was low and not jam packed, because it was packed indeed.  I praise God for his faithfulness in providing work and occasional rest and leisure time for which our family finds important.  You can see the outdoors and activity is a large part of our lives in addition to family time.

Since I did not post much, I am going out of 2013 with a mega picture post of experiences.  There was so many highlights only to name a few:

  • Every waking day with my lovely wife and wonder children Amber and Sean - I praise God for you both every day!
  • Family 10k run at the Miracle Mile for Kids 2013
  • John's 50th birthday fishing trip on the East Side Sierras (East Walker and Lower Owens River)
  • June family camp at Gold Lakes Basin and Salmon Creek Campground
  • Summer surf trip at Brendan's in Del Mar with Sean and Debbie
  • Seeing Amber rip  it up in volleyball and basketball seasons
  • Seanyboy experiencing new sports and passions including Puma swim team this year
  • Pittsburgh trip with the wifey and visiting my Uncle Al and Aunt Nancy
  • Kendra and Daniels wedding celebration at Red Rocks!
  • Christmas Dinner together at the house with the family fully present (except Richard!)
  • Big Sean becoming a grandfather to Ellie
  • Living everyday in the company of my parents 
  • We miss our friend Doris Schonert but enjoyed the time with her daughter to celebrate her life. May God rest your soul Doris...
  • Experiencing community with Korey, Christina, and Gavin, our neighbors and family
  • Loved this past week in Ventura camping together and enjoying the visit of John, Donna, my brother Sean in uniform, and my parents this afternoon.  This time capped the year and was an amazing time to celebrate family...

I praise God for the experiences of this life and the wonder of his creation.  God willing, there is much more to go and look forward to 2014.  Every day is simply a gift so lets suck the life out of every day.  Bless you all and thanks for reading...

Here are a bunch of pictures (sorry if I did not get you all in the pics!):

Easter Sunday celebrated at Lopez Lake Camp - sweet reflection and prayer on a hike

Celebrating our beloved brother in law John Otis' 50th birthday on the east side Sierra fishing trip

JO showing his skills!

Seany with the men on the trip and showing his skills quickly...

East Side views

Tag team!  Seany on the net...

Seany boys first 10k run

The Martin family at the finish line MMK13

Amber growing in her work...

Amber on the beach scene in Pismo

Amber really growing in 2013

Summer Camping trip heading out...

Salmon Lake Campground

Downtown Reno on the Truckee

Camp critters

Coveted ride in Irish Hills with my wifey...

Seany in the water doing his swim team passion!

One of Seany's new skills

One of Ambers new music skills

Donna and John on the beach...

Del Mar weekend surf trip with the family

Del Mar trip to Brendan's with Sean and Debbie too!

Harvest Season!

Harvest celebration!

My beautiful wife...

End of summer craziness at the wedding celebration 

Wedding weekend of Kendra and Daniel!

New nickname for the former BEAST

Fishing with the officer team from my work!

Seanyboy cutting loose in the vineyard!

Seany boy pinning it at Tinleys Triathlon...


Brothers Martin 1st and 2nd at Tinley's Triathlon 2013

End of Summer time with family...

My sisters with me and dad...

Some of my favorite peeps, Korey, TT, and Gavin!!!

Long date trip in PA

Fishing in PA?

Falling Water tour in 2013

Big Sean on his bird!

Christmas vacation on the Gold Coast Ventura

Evening surf with my son...

Sunny December ride with the wifey

Thank you God for the joy of family and friends...

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